Cartão de corrida

Dazed Adventure

Race: Expedition Oregon 2024
Rastreamento: ARWS
Categoria: ARWS
Classificação: 17
Moving time: 99 h 30 min
Standing time: 22 h

Tempos de corrida

Checkpoint Classificação Tempos reais Tempos parciais
Start - Do, 17:30:00 -
CP1 - Virtual CP
CP2 - Power line tower 12 Do, 19:36:00 02:06:00
CP3 - Junction 8 Do, 19:58:49 00:22:49
CP4 - Junction 7 Do, 23:08:49 03:10:00
CP5 - Junction 10 Se, 01:35:49 02:27:00
CP6 - Under bridge 12 Se, 05:50:49 04:15:00
TA1 - Bike to Packraft 16 Se, 07:53:20 02:02:31
CP7 - Shore 16 Se, 10:32:53 02:39:33
CP8 - Boat Lunch Area 16 Se, 12:27:52 01:54:59
CP9 - Small Boat Ramp 12 Se, 15:16:30 02:48:38
CP9A - Raft to Bike 13 Se, 15:26:30 00:10:00
CP10 - Parking lot 17 Se, 14:52:51 23:26:21
O7 - Rocky viewpoint 17 Se, 14:52:51 00:00:00
O5 - Ledge above path 18 Se, 14:52:52 00:00:01
O4 - Trail barrier 19 Se, 14:54:22 00:01:30
O6 - Under boulder 19 Se, 14:54:51 00:00:29
O1/2 - Climb site 19 Se, 14:57:22 00:02:31
O3 - Trail Barrier 19 Se, 14:58:52 00:01:30
CP10 - Parking lot 17 Se, 14:59:20 00:00:28
CP11 - Info sign 13 Se, 17:09:51 02:10:31
CP12 - Up tree 13 Se, 17:33:22 00:23:31
CP13 - Old barn 13 Se, 17:54:51 00:21:29
O11 - Between reentrants
O10 - Hand dug well
O9 - Power pole
O8 - Highpoint 11 Se, 17:56:30 00:01:39
O12 - Ridge between drainages 13 Se, 18:06:30 00:10:00
O18 - Tank 8 Se, 16:46:30 22:40:00
O17 - Boulder hole 11 Se, 18:16:30 01:30:00
O16 - NE Corner 13 Se, 20:06:30 01:50:00
O15 - Rock below confluence 7 Se, 17:46:30 21:40:00
O14 - Bush below boulder
O13 - Old tank
CP13 - Old Barn 11 Se, 17:56:30 00:10:00
CP14 - in culvert 10 Se, 21:46:30 03:50:00
CP15 - Sign 10 Se, 23:46:30 02:00:00
TA2 - Bike to Packraft 10 Te, 00:36:30 00:50:00
CP16 - Local Top 12 Te, 07:56:30 07:20:00
CP17 - W edge dry pond 12 Te, 08:26:30 00:30:00
CP18 - Bas of makeshift treestand 12 Te, 09:56:30 01:30:00
CP19 - Buckets 12 Te, 10:26:30 00:30:00
CP20 - Tree above confluence 10 Te, 11:46:30 01:20:00
Waypoint 11 Te, 13:36:30 01:50:00
CP21 - Power pole 11 Te, 13:56:30 00:20:00
CP22 - cairn ar viewpoint 11 Te, 14:06:30 00:10:00
CP23 - confluence 10 Te, 15:26:30 01:20:00
CP24 - Overlook near top 11 Te, 16:16:30 00:50:00
CP25 - Campsite 8 Te, 16:26:30 00:10:00
CP26 - Campsite/boat ramp 8 Te, 16:46:30 00:20:00
CP27 - Top of rocks 8 Te, 20:36:30 03:50:00
TA3 - Packraft to Bike 12 Te, 21:16:30 00:40:00
CP28 - Ice caves (see roadbook) 11 Qu, 11:56:30 14:40:00
CP29 - Small lava cave 11 Qu, 13:06:30 01:10:00
TA4 - Bike to Orienteering 12 Qu, 14:36:30 01:30:00
O34 - Big tree in lava field
O35 - Seasonal pond 13 Qi, 07:56:30 17:20:00
O37 - Ridge top 10 Qi, 03:06:30 19:10:00
O38 - Top 11 Qi, 03:26:30 00:20:00
O36 - Ridge near end of road 10 Qu, 23:16:30 19:50:00
O33 - Geocache 10 Qu, 19:16:30 20:00:00
O32 - Local high point 10 Qu, 19:26:30 00:10:00
O31 - Survival shelter 15 Qi, 13:26:30 18:00:00
O3O - Bottom main creek bed 16 Qi, 13:16:30 23:50:00
O19 - S edge of clearing 12 Qi, 13:46:30 00:30:00
O20 - Pond with water 9 Qi, 14:16:30 00:30:00
O21 - Power pole 9 Qi, 14:16:30 00:00:00
O22 - Seasonal Island 15 Qi, 17:37:00 03:20:30
O23 - S edge seasonal pond 16 Qi, 18:27:00 00:50:00
O25 - Base of falls
O24 - Peninsula
O27 - bend in creek 13 Qi, 20:17:00 01:50:00
O28 - Top of seasonal falls 13 Qi, 20:27:00 00:10:00
O29 - Between seasonal ponds 15 Qi, 18:37:00 22:10:00
O26 - Tree
TA5 - Orienteering to Bike 25 Qi, 21:57:00 03:20:00
CP30 - East side of river 13 Qi, 07:56:30 09:59:30
CP31 - Log across creek bed 10 Sx, 05:07:00 21:10:30
CP32 - Climb site 11 Sx, 05:27:00 00:20:00
CP33 - Ridge 13 Sx, 07:27:00 02:00:00
CP34 - Sign at Trailhead 9 Sx, 11:07:00 03:40:00
CP35 - Benchmark survey marker 10 Sx, 12:07:00 01:00:00
TA6 - Bike to Raft 11 Sx, 14:17:30 02:10:30
TA7 - Raft to Packraft 10 Sx, 15:57:30 01:40:00
CP36 - Safety takeout 10 Sx, 17:27:30 01:30:00
Finish 12 Sx, 18:59:30 01:32:00
Resultados gerais

Dados pessoais

Dazed Adventure
Nome: Dazed Adventure
Nacionalidade: ca
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