Cartão de corrida

Hoblík a Polovodič

Race: CZ AR 2018
Rastreamento: Mini CZ AR
Categoria: MM
Classificação: 21
Moving time: 96 h
Standing time: 0

Tempos de corrida

Checkpoint Classificação Tempos reais Tempos parciais
Camp TA1
End of ski slope 37 Sx, 22:13:53 -
Feeding rack
Lookout 41 Sx, 22:24:51 00:10:58
Lookout tower - top
Rock castle - top
Camp TA1
Turist signpost
Chapel 19 Sa, 01:34:19 03:09:28
Peak - triangulation pole 19 Sa, 02:42:04 01:07:45
Under a bridge 22 Sa, 03:38:58 00:56:54
TA 2
Top of a rock pillar
Corner of a fence
South corner of a clearing
Corner of a fence
Path crossing
Tree (East)
Embankment 24 Sa, 06:54:26 03:15:28
Lookout 30 Sa, 08:17:13 01:22:47
TA 2
Statue 26 Sa, 10:03:56 01:46:43
Wooden gardenhouse 27 Sa, 11:09:49 01:05:53
Rock Top 26 Sa, 12:19:28 01:09:39
Lookout tower
Lookout tower
Camp TA1
Camp TA1
Resultados gerais

Dados pessoais

Nome: Hoblík a Polovodič